Monday 29 April 2013

Chef's Hat...

I am not much of a chef. Considering how much I love food, my cooking skills are limited. In the last few weeks I have served up overcooked steak and undercooked barramundi. In our house, I generally prep {chop, marinade, etc} and Simon comes home and cooks everything.

I was never taught to cook and it wasn't until I was 22 and did the Body for Life Challenge that I actually made my own food. Mum was always the chef in our house and she is an incredible one!

To be fair to myself, I feel I do chef up some pretty scrumptious meals for someone that doesn't really like cooking and I do experiment as much as I can. As you will know from my blog and also my facebook and instagram, I do try in the kitchen and I feel proud of myself when a new meal turns out right.

The other night I decided to make Spaghetti Bolognaise from scratch! Yes, from scratch! When I make it for the kids I use Pasata in the jar and I use tinned tomatoes for me and Simon as it has less sugar in it. This time I had a bit of time and a kilo bag of tomatoes so I thought I would give scratch a try!

Ingredients ::

500g lean beef mince
500g tomatoes
1/2 brown onion
2 carrots
2 zucchini
2 celery stalks
2 cloves of garlic
salt, pepper & chilli flakes

Instructions ::

1. Heat grill to 180* and place tomatoes on a tray. Grill until slightly mushy
2. Blend tomatoes in a food processor or blender
3. Finely chop all veggies {you can use any veggies you like; I like mushrooms and capsicum in mine as well}
4. Heat large saucepan with a tablespoon of olive oil. Add mince and brown {a lot of mince is full of water so best to cook this away before adding veggies}
5. Add tomatoes, chopped veggies and salt, pepper & chilli flakes
6. Simmer on low for about 40-50 minutes
7. Serve and enjoy

This made dinner for me and Simon and we had this with a rocket, Spanish onion & cherry tomato salad with balsamic dressing. I had two servings left over which I packed up for lunches.

From scratch was not so hard and it was definitely worth the extra few minutes!

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