Friday 20 July 2012

Inner beast...

I have an inner beast! I love feeling my beast come out!

When you want to give up but you dig deep!

When you want to so badly to stop but you push out that last rep, squat that little bit deeper, sprint for that last 10 seconds, and you make it! Nothing beats that feeling!

me and my beast

Anyone that trains knows the feeling of truly accomplishing something big inside the gym! When you can walk out knowing you have given 100% and the next day you are going to be sore! This is the feeling I love!

Now there is a gym where everyone can find their inner beast! Welcome to the Animal Kingdom!

Animal Kingdom rocks!

The equipment is amazing!

Beautiful bright coloured plates

Colour coded machinery differentiating machines into muscle groups

A mezzanine cardio studio...

...that is perfect for people watching

The largest amount of dumbells I have ever seen...

...and the biggest

Located in the business area of Cromer at 24 Middleton Road, the gym is easy to find with heaps of parking and the vibe at the gym really does suit it's location, kind of industrial, kind of "we mean business!" 

Mark Patience, the owner of the gym, really has created a top class training facility that isn't just for body builders and people wanting to lift weights. The gym is family friendly, being positioned behind Northern Beaches Dance Academy, and close to a number of local schools. Drop the kids off and head to the gym, it couldn't be easier. Girls will love it, the cardio machines are awesome, there are easier to use pin-weighted machines plus eye candy. Who doesn't like a bit of eye candy!

There are a number of membership packages on offer which include discount rates for students and corporate memberships. For more information on the membership options and rates or to discuss your requirements please contact Mark on 9971 1342 or email

Mark, along with Jodie Parker, both offer personal training at the gym and between them they can offer a training package to suit different requirements and goals. Not sure how a piece of equipment works, they will be able to show you. Have a question about nutrition or your current training program, they are more than happy to help. There will be a few more top quality trainers joining the ranks shortly.

If you are brave enough you can attempt Jodie's recently introduced Workout Of the Day (WOD). I dare you to give her circuit a try, you won't regret it and make sure you let her know your best time! Dig deep; find your beast!

And as if this wasn't enough to get you excited, the guys at the gym are currently in the process of getting the creche up and running, finalising an amazing group fitness timetable and plans have just been drawn up for some really awesome outdoor army style assault equipment!

For more information check out this great video that the animals have put together.

My beast mode is officially on...I have a new goal!

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