Simon was in holiday mode. He loves holiday mode. I think we all love holiday mode. Three packets of Tim Tams consumed in four days he tells me; I nearly died!
Simon remained in holiday mode all last week despite being home and back at work. I let things slide, watched him eat a bit of crap, and then on Sunday night I put my foot down.
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sunday treat :: monday is a new week |
On Sunday I asked Simon to set himself a goal. I asked him to try and eat healthy food for five days. Commit to five days and see how he feels. Maybe even get a bit of exercise in there. I don't think this is nagging and he has agreed. We are on day two and he is going strong, I am a bit proud.
Sunday night I prepped Simon's first packed lunch. Chicken mince with brown rice and veggies for morning tea and tuna and cous-cous with carrots, celery and capsicum for lunch. I tried to give him a third meal for afternoon tea but he said there was no chance of him eating it all so I gave him some snacks instead; two hard boiled eggs, a banana, an apple and carrot and celery sticks. He did not get through it all but I was happy with what he did eat. I remember when I swapped from three meals a day to six smaller meals, it was hard work and I felt like I was eating way too much.
I asked Jodie a question this morning; how do you find the line between trying to keep someone motivated and not nagging them to death? Jodie smiled and agreed that it is hard. I realised that the line may be so faint it is hard to see.
My motivation for Simon will be to make things as easy as I can for him. He is super busy and takes no time for himself. Packing Simon's food, encouraging him to go to the gym or go for a run, without bullying him in to it, is how I will motivate him. I will find that line and I will not cross it.
I wanted to share a really awesome and really true statement I recently posted on my instagram ::
Have you ever talked yourself out of your workout, gone home and felt a little bit horrible? I know I have done this many times before and I can be pretty hard on myself for skipping my work out!
How do you motivate yourself? Do you find it easy to exercise and eat healthy food or do you struggle remaining focused on your goals? I feel fortunate that I am at a point where I find staying focused on my training and eating comes easily but don't get me wrong, I do also go through periods where I miss my workouts and eat what I want.
My top tips in keeping focused and motivated ::
Plan ahead ::
"Failing to plan is planning to fail"
One day a week should be your time to plan, know where you are heading both food and training wise.
Plan your food shopping, plan what you are going to eat for the following days and get organised with your shopping and cooking.
Plan your work-outs.What is your working week looking like. Is Monday at work a nightmare for you and you just have no energy for the gym? Then this is your rest day. Tuesday you work late and there is a cycle class on on your way home from work, Tuesday it's cycle. Wednesday you are going out for dinner with friends so it's up early for a walk so you don't have to worry about exercising before you go out for dinner. Write down each day and what you will be doing and stick it on the wall; know where you are heading, focus and commit to the week ahead.
Do what you enjoy ::
I am all cycled out. I spun away three times a week for years and I can spin no more! If I tell myself I am going to do a spin class I use every excuse under the sun to avoid that class! If I tell myself I am going to train, I train. I enjoy it, I love it. It is easier to do something that makes you happy than trying to force yourself to do something that you don't like, no matter how much you tell yourself it is good for you. Do you enjoy pump? Find two pump classes a week you can commit to. Do you love walking? Two mornings a week get up and get out there for a power walk.
Set yourself realistic goals ::
I will train six days a week, work 60 hours a week, study for my exams and spend time with grandma. This is a pretty unrealistic goal for anyone but super woman. Maybe four is more achievable and when you have trained four times you can be proud of yourself, you have achieved your goal and you can move in to the next week knowing that you have done it once and you can do it again! Try modifying your current goals to make them a bit more achievable and realistic. Change I want to lose 5kg in eight weeks to I want to lose 2 inches off my hips. Check out my last blog on the downside of weighing yourself . Keep off the scales (unless your skinfolds are being measured)!
The final thing I keep at the back of my mind :: I want to like what I see when I look in the mirror and I want to feel as amazing as I possibly can. These things don't come easily to me. It is hard work but I embrace the work and try and enjoy it as much as I can.
* Simon has just put the kids to bed and gone for a run. I am a lot proud!
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