Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Glorious food...

I love food! All types of food! My favourite is pizza with anything asian coming in a close second!

I love eating out...

the pantry :: manly

I love restaurants...

nield avenue :: rushcutters bay

I love not cooking and I love not having to wash up...

date night :: harlem on central

For someone that loves food as much as I do I sometimes feel I have a very strange relationship with it. A relationship that at times I think is healthy and at others unhealthy. My diet is controlled, pretty much how the rest of my life is. My life is planned, co-ordinated and managed; this is my personality and I am happy with this and have accepted this part of me.

I have pretty much followed the Body for Life eating plan since my first 12 week cycle in 2007. A portion of protein, a portion of carbohydrates, veggies and good fats; five to six times per day. I find it easy to follow and I never feel like I am missing out on anything nor do I crave anything. The only things you cut out are processed sugar and bad fats and manage the frequency and size of your meals.

Since working with Chris we have changed my diet a few times. I lost weight in the first three weeks which, for me, was not my goal so now he has me eating more; I am not complaining! I weigh my food, something I swore I would never do, but if I want to achieve my goals then this is something I realise I need to do.

To get your head around that eating healthy does not mean eating boring is half the challenge. If you can make tasty food that at the same time gives your body what it needs then you are on to a winner and on the right track to getting the body you want.

I wanted to share a few of my favourite meals. They are yummy! I look forward to eating them and Simon cooks and eats them to. We are on to a winner!

Breakfast of champions :: oats with berries, one whole egg and two egg whites scrambled

Rump steak salad with peanuts and white wine dressing

Soy and garlic chicken salad with almonds and butter beans

Chicken mince with chilli, garlic, spinach and coriander :: add brown rice and steamed veggies

BBQ fillet steak with roasted garlic and veggies and chick peas

BBQ lamb, cannellini beans with roma tomatoes, asparagus and coriander with lemon

Salmon fillet with zucchini smash (add lemon and garlic) and steamed bok choy

I am hungry just looking at those photos! All simple, easy to make meals that are super healthy and full of all the nutritional goodness your body needs to run effectively!

One of my top tips for staying on track with your healthy eating plan is to cook two dinners for yourself and take the second one to work with you the next day. If you are like me and you need to eat five proper meals then make three or four meals. If not then one meal can be your lunch and morning and afternoon tea can be something like rice cakes (carbohydrate) with peanut butter (protein and good fat) or a banana (carbohydrate) and a hard boiled egg (protein and good fat).

Then comes your cheat meal! Also affectionately known as a treat meal, off meal, permissive meal. What ever you call it, this is the meal I look forward to. It is the reward I get for staying focused and on track with my eating and it helps re-set myself for the new week ahead.

anti-pasti plate with bruscetta
This was my cheat meal choice for the Saturday night just passed and it was heaven!

This was followed by...

maggie beers ice cream
...which I highly recommend; eat it straight from the tub!

A cheat meal is physically beneficial if your goal is fat loss.

We have in our body an anti-starvation hormone called Leptin and it's job is to hang on to fat when your body thinks it is being starved.. When we start a new diet or eating plan our leptin hormone levels decrease and our body can think it is being starved. Our body will work hard to hold on to the fat; this is known as starvation mode. When we consume the extra calories during our cheat meal our body recognizes that it isn't being starved and the leptin levels increase allowing us to continue to lose weight. Make sense?

It is only Tuesday and I am already thinking about what my cheat meal will be on Saturday night...mexican I think! :)

Thursday, 26 July 2012


I am a woman...I am a woman with stretch marks.

They are faint, white lines at the tops of my thighs kind of on either side of my bottom and to me they look like little lightning bolts. I am not going to be negative about my stretch marks, they are part of me.

my bottom :: my stretch marks

My stretch marks are getting fainter and I wonder if soon I will hardly be able to see them. And if they don't continue to fade I am fine with that. I feel like they show that I have grown from a girl to a woman; both physically and mentally

I think my stretch marks are getting fainter because of where I am up to with my fitness goals. At my last skinfold check I had lost 2% body fat! I was thrilled! At my next check I hope to have gained some muscle. I will keep you posted!

I feel like I am the fittest and healthiest I have ever been. Some days I am tired but I am powering through and I keep reminding myself that I love being busy. I thrive on going 100kph and, after a bit of a moan this morning to a my friend Elise {who reminded me that I, like her, love being busy}, I realised I wouldn't have things any other way.

My diet is clean and pretty awesome! It is clean but not boring! Protein, carbohydrates and good fats. I'm not cutting anything and I am eating five times a day. I am loving the food prep, although getting home from work at 7.45pm and knowing I had to cook three days worth of food had me stressed yesterday. I sucked it up, prepped, cooked and packed for today; thank you Simon for helping me, you're awesome!

yum :: chicken larb :: simon style

Striae, or stretch marks as we call them, are a form of off-color scarring on the skin. They are caused by tearing of the dermis, which over time may diminish, but will not disappear completely.
Stretch marks are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes related to puberty, pregnancy, muscle building or hormone replacement therapy.

My Mum once said to me that stretch marks can be reduced by increasing the zinc in your body. I thought this sounded like an old wives tale and didn't think much of it until Matt from CSA gave me the Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6 supplement. I've done a bit of reading up and I think that the Zinc is really helping with my stretch marks. Zinc is seen as being the most essential supplement to take in the prevention of stretch marks.

The most important property of zinc is the production of collagen. Collagen holds the bodies skin tissues together. It is the most abundant structural protein and makes up 80% of all connective tissue. In fact, 75% of the dermis consists of collagen and it makes up 90% of its volume. When a person has enough collagen, it is near impossible to get stretch marks. Collagen is not available in food, so it's very essential to supplement with zinc.

At the moment I am taking two of Ultimate Nutrition's ZMA tablets half an hour before bed.
ZMA :: Ultimate Nutrition

Vitamin's A, C & E can really help with the treatment of stretch marks. I am taking 500mg of Vitamin C twice daily, one post work out and one at dinner time. A & B I am not taking but will give you a bit of an idea what I found out about them ::

Vitamin A is very important for the growth of skin, and maintaining healthy bones, nails, and hair. It helps to repair injured skin, and improve dry, scaly skin. It is absorbed through the skin, and helps it to remain soft and plump. When Vitamin A is topically applied, it stimulates the skin mitotically, and metabolically, therefore maintaining a youthful condition. Experiments have showed that Vitamin A applied topically keeps the epidermis saturated with the vitamin. Vitamin A also stimulates the renewal process of the epidermal cells which causes thickening of the epidermis.

One of the most important roles of Vitamin C is to help heal wounds and scar tissue. It is required for the synthesis of collagen, and acts as a cementing substance between skin cells. The most important role of collagen is to provide barrier for infections and diseases, and to promote healing of wounds.

Another very important vitamin when trying to prevent stretch marks is Vitamin E which is needed for the maintenance of normal body metabolism and in the protection and healing of body tissues and skin. For skin care, vitamin e is most beneficial as an anti-oxidant in preserving the health of skin tissue and membranes. It is also used to help the recovery process of post surgical scars. You can take vitamin E orally or topically.

Stretch marks or no stretch marks I am starting to feel proud of my body and the noticeable changes I am seeing. I am smiling but I could definitely do with an early night!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Inner beast...

I have an inner beast! I love feeling my beast come out!

When you want to give up but you dig deep!

When you want to so badly to stop but you push out that last rep, squat that little bit deeper, sprint for that last 10 seconds, and you make it! Nothing beats that feeling!

me and my beast

Anyone that trains knows the feeling of truly accomplishing something big inside the gym! When you can walk out knowing you have given 100% and the next day you are going to be sore! This is the feeling I love!

Now there is a gym where everyone can find their inner beast! Welcome to the Animal Kingdom!

Animal Kingdom rocks!

The equipment is amazing!

Beautiful bright coloured plates

Colour coded machinery differentiating machines into muscle groups

A mezzanine cardio studio...

...that is perfect for people watching

The largest amount of dumbells I have ever seen...

...and the biggest

Located in the business area of Cromer at 24 Middleton Road, the gym is easy to find with heaps of parking and the vibe at the gym really does suit it's location, kind of industrial, kind of "we mean business!" 

Mark Patience, the owner of the gym, really has created a top class training facility that isn't just for body builders and people wanting to lift weights. The gym is family friendly, being positioned behind Northern Beaches Dance Academy, and close to a number of local schools. Drop the kids off and head to the gym, it couldn't be easier. Girls will love it, the cardio machines are awesome, there are easier to use pin-weighted machines plus eye candy. Who doesn't like a bit of eye candy!

There are a number of membership packages on offer which include discount rates for students and corporate memberships. For more information on the membership options and rates or to discuss your requirements please contact Mark on 9971 1342 or email info@animalkingdomgym.com.au.

Mark, along with Jodie Parker, both offer personal training at the gym and between them they can offer a training package to suit different requirements and goals. Not sure how a piece of equipment works, they will be able to show you. Have a question about nutrition or your current training program, they are more than happy to help. There will be a few more top quality trainers joining the ranks shortly.

If you are brave enough you can attempt Jodie's recently introduced Workout Of the Day (WOD). I dare you to give her circuit a try, you won't regret it and make sure you let her know your best time! Dig deep; find your beast!

And as if this wasn't enough to get you excited, the guys at the gym are currently in the process of getting the creche up and running, finalising an amazing group fitness timetable and plans have just been drawn up for some really awesome outdoor army style assault equipment!

For more information check out this great video that the animals have put together.

My beast mode is officially on...I have a new goal!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Miss Motivator...

Simon went on holiday a few weeks ago; a week in Tathra with the kids to visit his Mum and his brother and family. I was at home on my own, things were very tidy and very quiet. I missed them.

Simon was in holiday mode. He loves holiday mode. I think we all love holiday mode. Three packets of Tim Tams consumed in four days he tells me; I nearly died!

Simon remained in holiday mode all last week despite being home and back at work. I let things slide, watched him eat a bit of crap, and then on Sunday night I put my foot down.

sunday treat :: monday is a new week

On Sunday I asked Simon to set himself a goal. I asked him to try and eat healthy food for five days. Commit to five days and see how he feels. Maybe even get a bit of exercise in there. I don't think this is nagging and he has agreed. We are on day two and he is going strong, I am a bit proud.

Sunday night I prepped Simon's first packed lunch. Chicken mince with brown rice and veggies for morning tea and tuna and cous-cous with carrots, celery and capsicum for lunch. I tried to give him a third meal for afternoon tea but he said there was no chance of him eating it all so I gave him some snacks instead; two hard boiled eggs, a banana, an apple and carrot and celery sticks. He did not get through it all but I was happy with what he did eat. I remember when I swapped from three meals a day to six smaller meals, it was hard work and I felt like I was eating way too much.

I asked Jodie a question this morning; how do you find the line between trying to keep someone motivated and not nagging them to death? Jodie smiled and agreed that it is hard. I realised that the line may be so faint it is hard to see.

My motivation for Simon will be to make things as easy as I can for him. He is super busy and takes no time for himself. Packing Simon's food, encouraging him to go to the gym or go for a run, without bullying him in to it, is how I will motivate him. I will find that line and I will not cross it.

I wanted to share a really awesome and really true statement I recently posted on my instagram ::

Have you ever talked yourself out of your workout, gone home and felt a little bit horrible? I know I have done this many times before and I can be pretty hard on myself for skipping my work out!

How do you motivate yourself? Do you find it easy to exercise and eat healthy food or do you struggle remaining focused on your goals? I feel fortunate that I am at a point where I find staying focused on my training and eating comes easily but don't get me wrong, I do also go through periods where I miss my workouts and eat what I want. 

My top tips in keeping focused and motivated ::

Plan ahead ::

"Failing to plan is planning to fail"

One day a week should be your time to plan, know where you are heading both food and training wise.
Plan your food shopping, plan what you are going to eat for the following days and get organised with your shopping and cooking.
Plan your work-outs.What is your working week looking like. Is Monday at work a nightmare for you and you just have no energy for the gym? Then this is your rest day. Tuesday you work late and there is a cycle class on on your way home from work, Tuesday it's cycle. Wednesday you are going out for dinner with friends so it's up early for a walk so you don't have to worry about exercising before you go out for dinner. Write down each day and what you will be doing and stick it on the wall; know where you are heading, focus and commit to the week ahead.

Do what you enjoy ::

I am all cycled out. I spun away three times a week for years and I can spin no more! If I tell myself I am going to do a spin class I use every excuse under the sun to avoid that class! If I tell myself I am going to train, I train. I enjoy it, I love it. It is easier to do something that makes you happy than trying to force yourself to do something that you don't like, no matter how much you tell yourself it is good for you. Do you enjoy pump? Find two pump classes a week you can commit to. Do you love walking? Two mornings a week get up and get out there for a power walk.

Set yourself realistic goals ::

I will train six days a week, work 60 hours a week, study for my exams and spend time with grandma. This is a pretty unrealistic goal for anyone but super woman. Maybe four is more achievable and when you have trained four times you can be proud of yourself, you have achieved your goal and you can move in to the next week knowing that you have done it once and you can do it again! Try modifying your current goals to make them a bit more achievable and realistic. Change I want to lose 5kg in eight weeks to I want to lose 2 inches off my hips. Check out my last blog on the downside of weighing yourself . Keep off the scales (unless your skinfolds are being measured)!

The final thing I keep at the back of my mind :: I want to like what I see when I look in the mirror and I want to feel as amazing as I possibly can. These things don't come easily to me. It is hard work but I embrace the work and try and enjoy it as much as I can.

* Simon has just put the kids to bed and gone for a run. I am a lot proud!

Friday, 13 July 2012


Do you weigh yourself? Do you live by those numbers on the scales? Or do you have no idea how much you weigh?

Some days I weigh myself, other days I don't. Some days I weigh myself on the electric scales, others on the manual scales. And then there are days when I weigh myself before my work out and then again afterwards.

I don't know what I am hoping for each time I jump on the scales so why do I feel the need to constantly weigh myself? There is no magic number I am working towards. I have never had a goal like "you must lose 6kg in the next 12 weeks" so why do I constantly need to check in with where I am at weight wise.

Is it an Erin thing, a woman thing or my need to know everything about myself and feel like I am in control of all aspects of my life; including my weight?

When you ask a lot of people, women in particular, what their main goal would be when it comes to their fitness and health most would say it is to lose weight.

Second, would probably be to tone up. Both good goals but what if one goal counteracted the other? What if by toning up you actually put on weight? How would this make you feel when you weighed yourself and noticed that there are an extra few kilos there?

There is a saying I have heard over and over again which I have used myself many times before when I have noticed a few extra grams on the scales ::

"Muscle weighs more than fat"

This is, in fact, an incorrect statement. In one easy point: a kilo of muscle weighs the same as a kilo of fat. No matter how you weigh it, a kilo is a kilo. It is like saying what weighs more; a kilo of feathers or a kilo of bricks? They both weigh the same but while one small brick may weigh a kilo, a huge bag of feathers the size of a car will also weigh a kilo.

Look at it from the other angle; take a block of muscle and a block of fat. Muscle is way more dense than fat so a block of muscle will weigh more than a block of fat of the same size. The really awesome thing is that muscle looks much tighter and a heck of a lot better than the same weight in fat.

And the even more awesome thing is that muscle is far more metabolically active than fat, so the more muscle mass you have the more calories you are going to burn off. Build muscle and shrink the fat! You will look and feel slimmer but the scales may tell a different story.

My new goal is to lose fat and gain muscle but more importantly my goal is to be the best that I can be when it comes to my health and well-being*. I am working hard on keeping both of these as my goals and only weighing myself with Chris every four weeks when he takes my skin-folds measurements. These are the calipers used to measure skin-folds; they look a little scary!

Measuring my skin-folds will be the best way to determine how much fat I am losing and how much muscle I am gaining. And hopefully stop me weighing myself more often than is necessary.

Skinfolds are the best way to measure the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue which is the fat under your skin. The Durnin and Wormesley method asks you to take measurements in milimeters in four different locations; bi-ceps, tri-ceps, sub-scapular (below the shoulder blade), lilac crest (the thick curved upper border of the ilium, the most prominent bone on the pelvis) using the skin-fold caliper. For more information and to access the skin-fold calculator please click here. 

If you are not able to have your skin folds taken I would suggest taking your measurements with a tape measure. I have "problem" areas, areas on my body that I don't like, areas that I look at all the time and pinch and prod. These areas are my tummy and my hips. When I am a bit heavier I feel that I have love handles and a pot belly. We all know we can't spot reduce fat from problem areas but I found that by measuring my problem areas and monitoring how many centimeters I was losing kept me constantly motivated to continue working towards my goals.

All you need is a tape measure and a piece of paper. Take three measurements;

* Chest - wrap the tap measure around your back and ensure the tape sits across your nipples
* Waist - wrap the tap measure around the narrowest part of your stomach
* Hips   - wrap the tap measure so that is sits across the top of your hip bones

I would suggest taking your measurements every four weeks at the same time of day each time, preferably in the morning after you have been for a wee but before you eat anything. Monitor your progress and also take note of how your clothes feel on you! I have my pair of "skinny" jeans that sometimes fit and sometimes don't. At the moment they fit so I am a happy girl!

* I have finished this blog from my bed, where I have been for two and a half days. I am down with tonsillitis and am taking penicillin; it has gotten me badly. I have questioned why I am so sick when I put so much time and energy in to my health. Have I trained too hard over the last few months? Is my fast paced lifestyle to blame? I guess sometimes these illnesses get us no matter how fit and healthy we are. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I will be able to swallow pain free and eat more than porridge and protein shakes.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Strike a pose...

Last weekend, I attended an International Federation of Body Building posing workshop at Animal Kingdom Gym in Cromer. I was not participating but I decided to go along to observe and to also write a post about a sport that I am noticing is becoming more and more of an interest to me.

I have an obsession with muscles. I love fit bodies on both men and women. I appreciate how much effort and dedication goes in to dropping fat and gaining muscle in order to get on stage. I have watched a few of my friends prepare for a show, watched them train with 100% commitment and focus, day in day out, watched them bring their eskys to dinner parties and eat their chicken and veggies whilst everyone else has enjoyed a yummy "non-clean" meal, watched with admiration as they have transformed their bodies in to that of athletes.

Meet my beautiful friend Jodie ::

Jodie is a mother to Tom, Erin & Brittany, married to a dear friend of mine Simon, a personal trainer, nutrition coach, motivational speaker, ambassador for Body Science and last but certainly not least an IFBB Figure Champion! Jodie recently represented Australia at the prestigious Arnold Classic Sports Festival over in the USA placing 12th in the world in the amateur figure division! Jodie has been and continues to be an inspiration to me as I know she is to many others and I am super proud to be her friend and happy she has agreed to be my mentor on my fitness journey. I am a lucky girl; Jodie is also in my corner!

Jodie, alongside Carole Graham and Nathan Page of the IFBB, hosted the posing clinic and the room was full of athletes planning on competing in the National IFBB competition on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October at the Cronulla Leagues Club. I overheard a lot of the girls saying that prepping for this competition was starting on the Monday. That is 16 weeks of immense training, 16 weeks of dieting, 16 weeks of obstaining from all naughty food, 16 weeks of prep to get ready for what can be five minutes on stage. One word to describe the preparation for a show and that is commitment!

There is no denying that the popularity of body building is increasing. The number of gyms, body building gyms in particular, and supplement shops popping up all over the place proves this. Social media, I believe, is also playing a major part in the sport's popularity. Online body building communities are on the rise and I think anything that promotes health and fitness is a positive with many people, such as Jodie, on a mission to raise the importance of being active, fit and healthy.

There are a number of different divisions in the IFBB ::

Bikini ::

At the posing clinic Nathan Page described the bikini division as the up and coming class of the body building sport. The IFBB have had to increase the number of classes in this division as it's popularity continues to rise!

Suitable for girls who train for aerobics, dance, boxing, or those that love to train for a toned body and to be fit and healthy. All body shapes can enter. Curvy or slim, the judges judge based on which girl's shape and tone is best presented. This category suits girls who may be thinking of training to compete in Figure down the track.

Split into two rounds, the competitors are required to wear gym gear in the first round consisting of small fitted gym shorts and a crop top in black with white anklet socks and runners/sandshoes.
The girls are bought out in a line and are asked to do four quarter turns, front then side then back then side and turning to the front again.. At each turn the competitor may do 1 pose/stance of her choice (not figure or bodybuilding style poses).

Round two is where the girls are asked to wear a bikini in any style, color, fabric or pattern with high heels . No g-strings, sequins or crystals and the girl's costumes must conform to decency standards.

Competitors will come out individually and do the "T walk". When all the girls have done their T-walk they are bought back on the stage together for comparisons. Judges compare girls from the front and back and look for the best display of shape, symmetry and tone as well as being the best groomed in terms of hair, make up, tan, nails etc.

This is Laura practicing her T-walk :: 

The girls at the posing clinic were all different; tall, short, curvy, slim. All who I admire for focusing on their goals, getting up on stage and showing the world what they have worked hard to achieve! You girls are awesome!

Figure ::

I love the women's figure division! To me, the women are incredible! Yes, I understand that this look is not for everyone but I do hope that people can appreciate how much blood, sweat and tears goes in to looking like this! They rock the stage in awesome costumes! Two piece bikinis are required and can be in any colour or style providing it conforms to normal standards of decency and cover a minimum half of the bottom. High heels of any style or colour must be worn in this round.

IFBB Figure Pros :: Arnold Sports Festival 2012

The Figure division has a pre-judging round where all competitors are asked to go through the compulsory poses; double bicep, side chest, rear double bicep, side triceps and abdominal and thigh. The poses can be done with open hands but must be graceful and poised with smooth and flowing transitions between poses.

Judges judge on the the tone and shape of the body, taking into account skin colour and texture, hair and facial presentation and overall feminine attractiveness with over muscularity and excessive definition being marked down.

Those that make it through the pre-judging move into the finals which are split into two rounds; each competitor is bought out individually to go through their compulsory poses then all athletes come out together to perform the quarter turns. In the finals figure competitors are judged based in the same way as in round one but also on firmness, symmetry, proportion and overall physical appearance.

Check out Jodie doing what she does best :: 

Fitness ::

A typical fitness competition consists of two rounds; a swimsuit round and a routine round. In the swimsuit round, the competitors wear two-piece swimsuits and high-heeled shoes, presenting their physiques with a series of quarter- or half-turns toward the judges. The routine round is scored on strength, flexibility and cardiovascular capabilities. Competitors are required to choreograph a two minute routine to music that must include a one handed push up, a straddle hold, leg extension hold, splits, full split sides, full split front and high kicks. Check out this awesome Fitness Routine by Victoria Larvie from back in 2009.

Physique :: The new division on the block

A relatively new division in the body building world, Women's physique is for athletes that sit between Women's Figure and Women's Body Building and this division is judged much in the same way as the Figure division; symmetry, shape, proportion, muscle tone, poise and beauty and flow.

My girl crush :: IFBB Physique Pro Dana Linn Bailey :: Desert Classic 2012

Dana Linn was the first ever physique competitor to obtain a Pro Card. There is a video that Dana and her husband Rob have put together about her transition from Figure to Physique competitor. Click here to check it out.

Women's Body Building ::

Need I say more! This division is about big muscles and is split in to two weight categories; under 52kgs and over 52kgs.

I am mesmerised by the men! So mesmerised in fact, that I think the boys need a whole blog post to themselves but here is a sneak peak.

Meet my lovely friend Kayne ::

Kayne entered his first competition a year or so ago and placed second! Kayne is awesome!

Thank you to everyone at the posing clinic for having me along and letting me put my camera in your face and a massive good luck if you are planning on competing this year! You are all awesome and have made me think that maybe one day my goal might be to get up on stage!

For more information on the IFBB please visit their website at here.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


So I have said it a few times before but my trainer Chris Dufey really is a whole lot of awesomeness! And when I thought he couldn't get any more awesome he has gone and organised a seminar on how to transform your body....for free!!

The seminar is being held at Mona Vale Fitness First (Pittwater Place on Park Street) on Tuesday 10th July from 6pm to 7pm.

Chris is a motivated coach who specialises in fat loss and body composition so the evening will be filled with some important topics including nutrition, training, specific supplementation and tips and tricks to fast tracking your results and how to avoid roadblocks.

To RSVP please visit the reception desk at Mona Vale Fitness First or email Chris at chris@chrisdufey.com

You will also have the opportunity on the night to organise to train with Chris at a discounted rate.

These could be your first steps to the transformation you have been thinking about!

I will be there so please do try and come along to say to hi and meet my trainer Chris. Did I mention he is awesome?!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

In my corner...

Today I feel fortunate.

Today I feel lucky to have some awesome people in my life that are encouraging and motivating me in my fitness and health journey.

My amazing boyfriend Simon, who has made me feel like anything is possible and that I can achieve whatever I want if I put my mind to it. My great trainer, Chris, who after just four weeks together has given me the encouragement and tools to realise that I can be the best I can be. My incredible girlfriends who, with the questions they ask me, make me feel like I do know what I am talking about somewhat when it comes to health and fitness.

I would like to welcome the newest person to my corner ::

Matt Cheeman is an amazing person, business man, trainer and athlete. I first met Matt 10 years ago when we worked together in real estate. Matt was a top performing agent and I was starting in my first job as receptionist. We have recently re-connected as he has been looking to purchase a house. I have not managed to sell him anything but he has certainly sold himself to me!

In a nutshell Matt is one of those nutty people that likes to run ultra marathons. He is a runner who runs 100km in one go like it's nothing! That is enough to get me listening to what he has to say. Matt is the founder of two businesses. Complete Fitness Australia (CFA) which was founded in 1996 and Complete Supplements Australia (CSA). For more information on Matt and both his companies please visit the website here.

I am sure Matt will kill me for saying this but I had never been one for supplements. I had never really taken any apart from the odd bottle of fish oil and multi-vitamins here and there. I found it hard to track the benefits of supplements or feel the positives of taking them which is why I think I had found them hard to stick with in the past.

When Chris sent me my new eating plan along with it was a list of supplements I should be taking. For the last four weeks I have followed it religiously.  This time I believe I can feel the positive effects of the supplements. I feel great, I am sleeping well, I have more energy and I think, coupled with the fuel I am putting in to my body and the correct amount of training, the supplements are doing what they are supposed to. Simon and the kids were down with a virus last week which I did not catch. I am putting this down to the supplements and how much work I am putting in to my health.

My pharmacy

Chris' recommended supplements for me are as follows ::
Multi-vitamins 2 tablets 3 x day
Fish Oil 2 tablets (1000mg) 3 x day
9grams Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy pre-workout
40grams of Whey Protein post-workout
Vitamin C 2 tablets post-workout

Four weeks ago Chris asked me to do a Candida test which did not come back looking very good. Candida Albicans is an opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that is part of the gut flora, a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestine. When the Candida gets out of control it effects your digestion and the absorption of your food in the small intestine. I always felt like my tummy stuck out a bit and Chris explained that the Candida could be causing this.

Chris prescribed the following for me which has really helped clear up my Candida ::

Pro-biotic (25billion tablet 1 x day)

Oregano Oil 1 x tablet/day
L-Glutamine 3tsp 3 x day
Psyllium Husk 1tbsp 1 x day

I am still taking these as the Candida has not completing gone but my tummy is definitely flatter which I am so happy about! If you would like to know how to test for Candida please drop me an email.

I went to see Matt this morning to discuss the supplements I am taking and whether I should be taking anything else to further complement my training and eating plan.  I am trying to be as much of a sponge when I am with him. Trying to soak up as much information as I can. He knows his stuff, talks the talk and walks the walk.

My latest additions to my supplement family are ::

Rocking it CSA style!

Ultimate Nutrition ZMA which is a supplement made up of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6.
Zinc is an essential trace element and is excellent in boasting the immune system, treatment of the common cold and preventing lower respiratory infections. Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Vitamin B6 is excellent when it comes to protein metabolism.

Vegetable Greens :: We all need more veggies and with over 62 Phytonutrients from herbal extracts, pre-biotics, pro-biotics, plant enzymes, essential fatty acids, super green food and land, sea and cruciferous vegetables I wasn't going to say no to this awesome tub of greenery!

Finally, VPX protein powder which has no carbs. I picked this up in strawberry flavour and it is delicious! Two scoops equates to 40grams of protein, the perfect amount for a female to absorb in one sitting!

If you would like to know what supplements you should be taking or have any questions about your current supplements I would defintely suggest popping in to see Matt at CSA. CSA is located at shop 7, 42-46 Wattle Street, Brookvale and Matt's contact number is 8221 6448.

Take a look at CSA's awesome movie here.

Check back soon for an update on how I am going with my supps!

Please note: seeking advice from your doctor/medical practitioner is also a good idea.