Monday, 28 August 2017

12 Week Spring in to Summer Program - PERSONAL TRAINING SALE!!!

Hi everyone,

We have been pretty fortunate this winter to see a lot of blue skies and mild temperatures, which makes you think that this Summer is going to be an absolute scorcher!

Spring is so close you can almost smell it in the air!! And with that change, I hear a lot of people talking about getting back in to shape ready for the beach weather that's just around the corner.

Are you one of those people?

Have you thought that you wouldn't mind losing those few KGs you put on over Winter?

Maybe you did a really good job of maintaining your physique over the cooler months but now that it's getting warmer you would like to take things to the next level?

Perhaps you've spent the winter exercising consistently and are now bored and looking for a new challenge?

And lets not forget about the Mums out there...Have you just had a baby and don't know where to begin to regain your strength the safe and effective way? Or Mums that never give themselves any time and are wanting to change that and get back to feeling their best?

This 12 week Spring in to Summer Program could be exactly what you are looking for!!!!
** THREE 30 minute personal training sessions per week for the PRICE OF TWO - valued at $165 per week, now available for $110 per week
** TWO 45 minute personal training sessions for 30% off the usual price - valued at $160, now available for $105 per week
All clients participating in the 12 week program receive the following for FREE...
* Initial goal setting session
* Complimentary movement assessment
* Complimentary 30 minute foam rolling and stretch tutorial
* Two six week, individualized training programs tailored to suit your goals AND your schedule
* Nutritional Guidance using macro-nutrient portions - no counting calories or weighing your food. I will teach you how to correctly nourish your body without you feeling any type of deprivation
* Supplementation Guidance
* Unlimited support by phone and email
* Bi-weekly progress check in to keep you on track towards your goals

There is no better time than to join Erin Eleini Fitness and enjoy results that other clients have achieved whilst working with me!

I am ready when you are!!

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

The Trapbar Deadlift

If you are looking for an exercise that's going to make you feel like a badass in the gym then look no further than The Deadlift!!

The Deadlift is a strength training exercise where a loaded barbell, or just the bar, is lifted off of the ground up to hip level and lowered back down to the ground. It works a multitude of muscles; quads, hamstring, glutes, abdominals, lower back, traps and the forearms and is therefore awesome for building total-body strength, size and athleticism.

The Deadlift can be a daunting exercise. There are many cues to ensure you correctly execute a Deadlift and many people are fearful of injuring their lower back. But the truth is, if done correctly, there is no better exercise than the Deadlift to keep your back in great health.

A great regression of a Barbell Deadlift is the Trapbar Deadlift. Here is a Trapbar, also known as a Hexbar given it's six sides.

About 20 years ago a Powerlifter from North Carolina named Al Gerald found that deadlifting was constantly niggling in his lower back. He found when he deadlifted with a straight bar that it put a lot of stress on his lumbar spine {lower back}. This is due to the weight being far away from the axis of rotation {the hip} where the work is being undertaken. The lower back acts like a crowbar to move the weight from the floor and it is for this reason that people can hurt their back if they do not perform the Deadlift with accuracy.

Since the Trapbar configuration allows you to step inside it rather than behind it, the long lever is shortened along a horizontal axis, therefore significantly decreasing the amount of sheer force on the spine.

As a general rule, I ensure all my clients can perfectly perform a Trapbar Deadlift before progressing them to a Barbell Deadlift. In saying that, the Trapbar Deadlift shouldn't only be seen as a regression to the more tradition Barbell Deadlift. A recent study undertaken by Swinton et al, found that not only was the Trapbar Deadlift a safer exercise it was also a more effective exercise for building maximum power.

Here is my step-by-step guide to correctly perform a Trapbar Deadlift....

1. Step inside the Trapbar making sure your feet are evenly positioned between the front and the back bars. I aim for a stance approximately hip width but this will differ slightly person to person

2. Grip the handles tightly so that your middle finger is horizontally aligned with the front of your shin

3. Squat your hips down, maintaining a neutral spin {think arch in your lower back}, keeping arms nice and long with no flexing at the elbows. I also like to think about drawing my triceps towards my latissimus dorsi, this will aid in keeping your back muscles engaged whilst protecting your shoulders at their capsules.

4. Inhale, a big belly breath, not just filling your lungs with air but aiming to fill your diaphragm. I like to think about bracing my abdominals like someone is about to punch me in the tummy.

5. Holding that big breath in to ensure a great amount of intra-abdominal pressure, stand up by driving your feet in to the ground and straightening your legs. At the top of the movement drive your hips forward into extension and squeeze your glutes.

6. Continue to maintain neutral spine and lower the bar back to the ground. Exhale at the bottom, reset your position and inhale another big breath, moving on to your next repetition

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Chicken Soup

If you know me, you'll know that I'm not much of a cook. I like simple, easy meals that take only a little time to prepare. Even more so now I have children that I need to cater for and a baby that is still eating purees.

Here is a quick but delicious recipe for a chicken soup that takes about 20 minutes to prepare. The good thing about this is that it is kid friendly {to a degree, if you don't have fussy eaters} because you can switch out the vegetables to ones that your kids will eat. Or, when my step son turned his nose up at this soup, I just kept two tenderloins for him which I cooked separately with some noodles and he had carrot and celery on the side.

The Ingredients I use are:

600grams diced free range chicken tenderloins
400gram can of sweetcorn
400gram can of four bean mix
2 x 400gram of chopped tomatoes
3 x carrots diced
1 x celery heart diced
1 x chopped onion
2 x cloves of garlic
2 x tablespoons of olive oil


1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan
2. Add the onion and garlic and cook until soft
3. Add the chicken tenderloins and cook until slightly brown
4. Throw in the cans of tomatoes, beans and sweetcorn
5. Cover and cook on low for 90 minutes, stirring regularly

It doesn't get much easier than that!!

Before I serve, I take two cups of the soup out of the saucepan and put aside to puree for the baby. Then I add in salt and pepper and you can also add some chilli flakes if you like things spicy. Cook for another few minutes and the soup is ready to serve.

Just on a side note, the only canned sweetcorn I use is Coles own brand. Be sure to check the nutritional label on the sweetcorn you usual buy as a lot of brands have quite a lot of sugar in the water. The Coles brand has no added sugar so is definitely the smartest choice for canned sweetcorn.