Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Client Story - Bunny

Client Story- Bunny

One of the many highlights of my job as a Personal Trainer is seeing not just the physical changes in my clients but the mental changes that you see as well.

Take my client Bunny for example. She came to me at the beginning of 2016 wanting to tone up and lose her baby tummy that she just couldn't seem to shift! She'd never stepped foot in a weights room, never undertaken any strength training and her visits to the gym saw her doing Body Pump classes and Yoga which, put simply, weren't getting her the results she wanted!

Fast forward six months to the middle of 2016 and she had achieved what she set out to achieve. Then I went on maternity leave and she trained with my stand in trainer and continued to get fitter and stronger. Bunny has now moved over to my new gym and is back training with me each week. She turns up, puts in the work and is rewarded a fit and healthy body and mind.

She is lifting weights she never thought were possible and completely understands how her body is designed to move and how good it is designed to feel.

Bunny wrote me a lovely testimonial which I would like to share with you below...

I first started strength training with Erin in February 2016 to improve my fitness and to get in shape. It was difficult for me to return to my normal pre-baby weight by going to the gym on my own. At the beginning Erin asked what my goals were and she then gave me a program and also nutrition advice to follow. Each week Erin provided me a record of exercises and weights that we used.
After six months of weekly strength training sessions I saw amazing results and I was back at my pre - children weight and my clothes fit me so much better.
Erin is a wonderful, engaging and professional Personal Trainer. During our sessions together she would explain what muscle groups we were working on and she really motivated me to exercise well.
I would highly recommend Erin as a Personal Trainer.
If you have been thinking that whatever you are doing exercise wise just isn't cutting it then maybe now is the time to try something different!

I know what works to get people looking and feeling their best, maybe now is the time to get in contact with me and give personal training a try!

Serious results are guaranteed if you are willing to put in the work!!
