Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Getting Festive...

So the man in the big red suit is nearly here and what a week it has been over here! I am working through, taking only the public holidays off, helping my clients stay on track over the Christmas and New Year season. I find training them helps me stay motivated; if they are smoking their work-outs then there is no reason that I shouldn't be smoking mine, right?

The last three days have seen me smash a massive pull session on Sunday, a monster quad session yesterday and tonight a sweaty conditioning work-out at my new gym The Cube. Tomorrow is shoulder day, my favourite, with my friend and client Michelle. Last week I pulled a 70kg deadlift for six reps for two sets and on Sunday I did three pull ups with the smallest resistance band {my clients love/hate these}. I am finishing off the year strong and am excited for what the new year will bring for me training wise.

Have you given any thought to what you would like to achieve next year? Have you set some new goals? Maybe 2015 is the year that you try something you have been wanting to try...give it some thought over the Christmas holidays. Make a list, create a vision board, recruit a training buddy...the motivational tools are there in abundance. I am also here to help!

Most of the gyms are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day so I thought I would suggest a few work-outs you can do at home with no equipment. Commit to 30 minutes on these days and then go and enjoy the rest of you day!

Work-out 1

Warm up 200 metres jog {100 metre along the road, 100 metres back}

AMRAP 30 minutes

A1. 25 x body weight squats
A2. 25 x push ups
A3. 24 x body weight static lunges {12 each leg}
A4. 24 x mountain climbers {12 each leg}
A5. 25 x abdominal crunches
A6. 200 metre sprint

Cool down 200 metre walk and stretch

Work-out 2

Warm up 200 metres jog {100 metre along the road, 100 metres back}

Time each set, completing three sets trying to beat your previous time
A1. 10 x jump squats
A2. 10 x burpees
A3. 20 x step ups {10 each leg}
A4. Plank
A5. 100 metre sprint
B1. 20 x jump lunges {10 each leg}
B2. 10 x narrow grip push ups
B3. 10 x box jumps
B4. 10 x death planks {go from hands to forearms then alternate}
B5. 100 metre sprint

Cool down 200 metre walk and stretch

Work-out 3

Warm up 200 metres jog {100 metre along the road, 100 metres back}

Find a set of stairs, sprint up them, walk back down. Repeat for 15 to 20 minutes.

Cool down 200 metre walk and stretch

All three will kick your arse and keep you on track even if you do reach for the mince pies and Christmas Pudding come Christmas Day! Enjoy every mouthful, it's what this time of year is about!

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years. For me 2014 has been an amazing year for obvious reasons but I am excited for what 2015 will bring and welcome it with open arms!

And finally a massive thank you to my wonderful clients! Thank you for your commitment to me and my business and for bringing your A-Game to every session. You certainly make getting up at 5.00am worthwhile!

See you in the gym.



Monday, 1 December 2014


Lets talk gut health, exciting stuff! Did you know that you have more bacteria in your gut than you do cells in your entire body? That's why, if your gut isn't in good shape, I can guarantee that your overall health is being compromised. Micro-flora in your gut play a vital role in your overall health and wellbeing whilst also affecting the immune system, weight and the increased risk of numerous chronic and acute diseases, from diabetes to cancers.

Symptoms of poor gut health include bloating, burping, farting, diarrhoea, constipation, fullness, nausea, rectal itching, weak and cracked finger nails, acne, iron deficiency, parasites, candida, food allergies, eczema, dermatitis, hives, psoriasis, rosacea, B12 deficiency and arthritis.

So there is the odd fart in our house and I do feel bloated from time to time so Simon and I are taking part in the Metamucil Challenge that is currently being run at all Fitness First Gyms. Available from reception is a 14 day starter kit of Psyllium Husks for $1. Yep, just $1 to set you on the road to better gut health.

Psyllium is the husk of the seed of the Plantago and is a top herb used for general intestinal health. It contains a spongy fiber that can reduce appetite, improve digestion and cleanse the system, making it an excellent addition to a healthy diet.

Simon and I are half way in, we both feel better, he is farting less and I feel great!

In addition to taking Psyllium Husks, here are some other ways that you can improve your gut health...

1. Probiotics
Naturally occurring “good” bacteria allow for the normal functioning of our gastrointestinal system – however this simply cannot happen when there’s too much “bad” bacteria (such as parasite, yeast and fungi) present in the gut. The easiest way to rectify this imbalance is to keep up probiotic intake {fermented foods, yogurts} or take a pro-biotic supplement

2. Diet
Eating a healthy, balanced, fibre filled diet rich nutritious food. Think lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, good fats and low GI carbohydrates {legumes, whole-grains}. Remove all the processed food from your diet especially refined sugars {lollies, chocolate, chips}

3. Water
Drinking plenty of water is also essential for the correct functioning of the digestive system. If there is too little water in the system, it slows down the body’s ability to pass stools through the digestive tract. The more build-up of waste in our system, the more likely our gut will become a hot bed of bad bacteria

4. Stress
An unexpected cause of bad bacteria in the gut is stress!! Check out one of my previous blogs here on my top way to manage stress

If there is one thing you do for your health this week...add some fibre!!