Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Just the beginning...

You should remember my client Ritchie who featured in my blog in April...Ritchie, last month completed his 12 week Transformation and what a transformation!! These photos were taken on the 25th February 2013.

And these photos were taken on the 31st May 2013...


Here Ritchie answers a few questions about his 12 week Transformation ::
1. Going in to the Transformation, what was your number one goal?
Lose weight and get toned. Also, being overweight was affecting how long I lasted on the soccer field. After the transformation I was able to play for 90 minutes, something I hadn't done in a few years. 
2. Do you feel you achieved what you set out to achieve?
Yes mostly. I wouldn't have minded a 6 pack but that was my fault as I still went out and had a few drinks on a Saturday night. I lost almost 10kgs so I'm not complaining!
3. What did you enjoy most about the Transformation?
Being able to wear everything in my wardrobe. Even those t-shirts we all have in our wardrobe that we will wear "one day"! Seeing the change in my body was great!
4. What was the biggest thing you learnt from doing the Transformation?
How I realised everything I knew about diet was wrong. I actually ate more food during the transformation but it was the "right" food. Didn't get hungry during the transformation because you're eating five smaller meals a day.
5. What did you find the most challenging about the Transformation?
Preparing all the food. It's a lot of meat to cook. Then I found out about Muscle Meals Direct and it got soooo much easier. Leg day was also a my least favourite day!
6. Now that you have completed the Transformation, have you set any new goals concerning your health and fitness?
Yes I want to lose another few kilos and put on some more lean muscle. I would like to get down to 80kgs. And the next major goal though is to quit smoking. With two young girls they are starting to notice me smoking and I don't want them to remember me as a smoker!
7. Would you recommend a 12 weeks Vivid Fitness Transformation to someone wanting to get in shape? If yes, why?
Yes I would because it works; it's that simple!

To say I am proud of Ritchie would be an understatement! But what I am most excited about is his new found love for health and fitness, wanting to continue to grow and push himself and be an even better role model for his young daughters! I am looking forward to what the next 12 weeks bring and how much more changes Ritchie can bring about! He has got it in him to be even more amazing than he already is!
If you would be interested in your own 12 Week Transformation please do drop me an email or give me a call on 0432 389 767.
And starting over the coming weeks is my 12 Week Bikini Body Challenge which will whip the girls in to rocking shape in time for Summer.



Monday, 22 July 2013

Protein balls...

The easiest, cleanest treat I ever did see!! Super yummy, healthy chocolate protein balls that take a whole five minutes to make, include all the macro-nutrients and will stop you reaching for the tim-tams!!

Ingredients ::

* 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder {I am currently using VPX Zero Carb available here from CSA}
* 1 tablespoon of honey
* 1 cup of uncooked oats
* 30 grams of coconut flakes
* A splash of water

Directions ::

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until combined
2. Roll the mixture in to small balls
3. Roll each of the balls in a pinch of coconut flakes
4. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes before eating
5. Store in the fridge in a tupperware pot

The above amounts made me seven balls. The only problem with these balls is it is hard to stop at just one!



Wednesday, 17 July 2013


My Branched Chain Amino Acid has a nickname and it is gummi berry juice. Do you remember the cartoon The Gummi Bears and they used to drink it and they would go bonkers bouncing all over the place! That's kind of how I feel when I have my BCAA intra work-out, training without wouldn't be the same!

My favourite is the Gaspari Nutrition Aminolast which you can get here from Complete Supplements Australia. Not only does it taste amazingly sweet like lolly water but there are actually heaps of benefits to using the supplement and reasons why you should be including BCAA in your supplement regime.

So, your BCAAs include leucine, isoleucine, and valine which are the acids that support anabolic muscle building, high-intensity endurance training, improvement of mental function and mood, to name just a few. These are the essential amino acids that our body doesn't make so we need to ingest them through our food (high protein foods such as meat or whey) and supplementations. The coolest thing about BCAA is they trigger protein synthesis, increase energy expenditure and have been shown to improve glucose tolerance.

The amino acids have a branched side chain which helps our body convert amino acid into energy during intense exertion. The more BCAAs that are present in the muscles, the more they will be used for energy, slowing the breakdown of muscles cells and preventing catabolism (metabolic breakdown of complex molecules).

Here are some more reasons why you should be taking BCAA...

1. They enhance muscle protein synthesis
BCAA supplementation results in maximal protein synthesis due to the increase of intracellular availability of amino acids and activates the mTORC1 signalling pathway that is essential for muscle building.

2. Better testosterone to cortisol ratio
When we exercise, our body releases the stress hormone Cortisol. By taking BCAA during our work-out, we minimise our body's cortisol response which will stop the hormone degrading our muscles. Remember, less muscle the lower our metabolic rate. Less cortisol will result in a better testosterone to cortisol ratio meaning quicker recovery and more muscle gains and the more muscle we have the higher our metabolic rate which means more calories burnt at rest.

3. They can decrease muscle soreness and DOMS
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a result of inflammation to the muscles. As we have mentioned above, BCAA can prevent muscle catabolism and breakdown. Although it won't stop you getting sore all together it will go some way in reducing the inflammation.

4. Get happy
BCAAs can improve production of the neurotransmitters, boosting cognitive function. BCAAs have been shown to assist in the synthesis of the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA, which will help you generate energy when you need it and keep you cruising along when you don’t.

5. Improve your health
Recent research has shown that BCAAs have an anti-aging effect and increase the formation of new mitochondria (structures within cells that convert the energy from food into a form that cells can use), which can increase energy production.

BCAAs are definitely at the top of my list of supplements that I take religiously. At the moment I am having one scoop (14grams) during my work-out and I have another scoop in the afternoon when I am feeling sleepy.

Source: Poliquin Blog

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


If I was to ask you what role Estrogen plays in our bodies could you answer me? We all know it's there and that it is important but how many of us really know it's purpose?

I was fortunate enough last week to be a part of one of Luke's seminar which he put together whilst I was away in the USA. The topic of the evening was the ever allusive Estrogen!

So to answer the question :: Estrogen is a hormone produced primarily in the ovaries for woman and testes for men. It is also produced in fat and the brain in both men and woman. Woman require Estrogen because its responsible for proper female reproduction and is necessary for a healthy pregnancy, it regulates mood and arterial function, builds bone density and regulates most hormones from the Hypothalamus in the brain (responsible for insulin, leptin, grehlin production). Men require Estrogen for healthy sperm production and bone maintenance

Unfortunately, our bodies aren't only exposed to Estrogen by our own making! There are lots of other external factors that can cause our bodies to have higher levels of Estrogen which can have not so good effects.

Luke went in to detail on why it is important that we remove and detoxify excess Estrogen from our bodyies. Here are his reasons in a nut shell
Firstly excess estrogen is associated with increased cancerous tissue in the human body. Estrogen receptor sites are proteins found inside every cell in the human body. Our goal is to limit the amount of chemical and toxic Estrogen that can be mimicked by certain foods and/or chemicals which further increases our toxic load.

Luke's Top 10 tips for limiting the chemical exposure of Estrogen ::

* Eat organic where possible
* Use natural cleaning products ::  BPA, phthalates and paraben free
* Use natural personal care products (visit EWG to see how your products rate)
* Avoid scented candles and air fresheners
* Avoid plastic containers for food and water :: plastic contains BPA which mimics Estrogen. BPA is a petroleum based chemical
* Never microwave or heat plastic
* Use cloth bags for shopping
* Cut out processed foods
* Eat limonene which can be found in grapefruit and tomato
* Cook with more turmeric which is tremendous in supporting digestive health
And Luke's Top 10 ways to lower your Estrogenic load

* Improve gastrointestinal health by taking a quality Pro-biotic. Pro-biotics support good bacteria in the gut and promotes the E2 pathway
* Improve diet with lower carb and higher protein. Insulin and body composition and amino acids found in protein help with Estrogen detoxification via the liver
* Eat lots of healthy Omega 3 fats. Omega 3 fats promote the E2 pathway and blocks the enzyme called Aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme that is responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of Estrogen
* Decrease Body fat :: Fat tissue increases levels of aromatase enzyme which turns testosterone to Estrogen
* Eat more phytoestrogens :: leafy greens, flaxseeds, legumes, sesame seeds, broccoli and cauliflower
* Block aromatase and stop testosterone from turning into Estrogen. This can be done by taking a Zinc supplement and include certain foods such as green tea, tomato skins, brazil nuts and grapefruit
* Ensure complete elimination of excess Estrogen with a quality Multi-vitamin and Magnesium supplement
* Watch what you drink :: Alcohol has a toxic load on the body and increases the aromatase enzyme lowering testosterone and other growth hormones whilst increasing Estrogen
* Increase fiber content :: greens, vegetables, nuts
* Avoid Soy :: Soy is pesticide laden and mimics Estrogen in the human body

If you have any questions about detoxifying your body of excess Estrogen or what supplements you should be taking please don't hesitate to contact either myself or Luke.

The next Vivid Fitness Seminar will be held on Wednesday 24th July and isn't one to be missed!! The seminar kicks off at 6.30pm and is held in the Fitness First Balgowlah Crèche.

Get ready to "Eat Fat, Lose Fat"! Luke and I look forward to seeing you all there!