Tuesday, 29 January 2013


I wrote a post last year following an International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness (IFBB) posing work shop that I went along to. In that post, I talked a lot about the different divisions for the girls. A few weekends ago, I went along to another work shop in preparation for the IFBB bikini competition I am entering at the end of March.

The work shop has inspired me to write a post about the boy's divisions so here it is...

Here are the boys at Sydney City Gym showing us what they learnt at the posing workshop ::

We have all heard of Mr Olympia right? The title made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr Olympia is the title awarded to the winner of the professional men's bodybuilding contest at Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend - an international body building competition that is held annually by the IFBB.

For those of you that haven't seen a Mr Olympia here is Jay Cutler & Ronnie Coleman posing down ... WOW! I saw Jay guest pose at a competition about five years ago and it was hard to believe he was actually real! How could one man be so big, he was almost machine like!

So the IFBB Australasian titles are on on the weekend of 23th and 24th of March at the Cronulla Leagues Club. The men's competitions are split in to three divisions; Bodybuilding, Classic & Physique.

Men's Bodybuilding

The Men's Bodybuilding is then divided in to nine different divisions; teenage, juniors, masters over 40 years, novice, under 70kgs, under 80kgs, under 90kgs, under 100kgs and over 100kgs.

There are seven compulsory poses that each competitor must display whilst on stage ::

1. Front double bicep

2. Front lateral spread

3. Side chest

4. Back double bicep

5. Back lateral spread

6. Side tricep

7. Abdominals & thighs

The judges first look at the muscle groups being displayed and will then look at the whole physique from head to toe. Each competitor is judged on muscular bulk, balanced development, muscular density and definition.

Men's Classic

The Men's Classic Bodybuilding is a relatively new division and has been introduced to allow those who prefer to develop a less muscular yet athletic and aesthetically pleasing physique to compete. Competitors achieve a muscular, athletic look and are assessed throughout three rounds;

Round 1. Five compulsory poses; front double bicep, front lateral spread, side chest, back double bicep, abdominal and thighs
Round 2. Sixty second posing routine
Round 3. Four quarter turns

Within the Classic division there are certain limitations regarding the allowed muscle mass and competitors are broken up in to three height divisions;

* Up to 170cm - Maximum bodyweight (kg) = body height (cm) - 100+2
* Over 170cm up to 178cm - Maximum bodyweight (kg) = body height (cm) - 100+4
* Over 178cm - Maximum bodyweight (kg) = body height (cm) - 100+6

men's classic

Men's Physique

This division is for men who prefer to develop less muscle but still look athletic and aesthetically pleasing. Think a very fit looking guy! This division is split in to two height categories;

Category 1. Up to and including 178cm
Category 2. Over 178cm

There are two rounds both made up of half turns and the boys wear board shorts, no top and bare feet.  The boys come out together and do their half turns. They are then split in to two groups and each group takes turns doing their half turns.

The judges first assess the overall athletic appearance of the physique. The boys are also judged on their skin and skin tone, hair and facial features as well as proper shape and symmetry combined with muscularity and overall condition. They do get marked down on extreme muscularity. Judges look for the contestant with the best stage presence and poise, who can convey his personality, with confidence, to the audience.

The judges then award each competitor with their placing and the top six go through to round 2.

Round 2 is judged in much the same way as Round 1 but each contestant does their half turns individually at the front of the stage.

men's physique

The boys are awesome and what bodies! The thing I like about having the different divisions is there is something for everyone to enjoy. That is what is so good about the IFBB as a federation. They seem to be constantly evolving to ensure that there are divisions that cater to what the competitors want! If you haven't been to a competition I can't recommend going more highly. They are fun and who wouldn't want to look at fit looking men and women all day!?

I will be there competing in the Bodyshape Bikini Novice so if you are there please come and say hi! :)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

We do it outdoors...

I trained a girlfriend the other day and as we were warming up she said something that really resonated with me. She said "people that get up at 6.00am and are out exercising are so happy, everyone I walk past in the morning are in the best moods!"

I, for a very long time, didn't consider myself a morning person. I struggled to get out of bed at 7.30am and get ready and to work on time. I used to train in the evenings after work and I was finding that by 5.30pm I was tired and it was becoming easier and easier to make excuses not to train. I made a decision when I started training with Chris that I was going to train in the mornings. Yes, it was a struggle for a few weeks and I was tired whilst my body adjusted to it's new clock but I persisted and I got there. I like to think of myself now as a morning person and I am up at 5.30am every morning with a smile.

This is what 7.00am at Shelley Beach looks like ::

The pink hat {as we call them} swimming team doing their thing. I bet they are all smiling!

Shelley Beach at 7.00am every Saturday morning is where my Vivid Fitness team hold the group fitness sessions. This morning was a particularly gruelling workout given the already 28 degree heat. The team absolutely smashed it and I was a super proud taskmaster!! Stair runs, long power runs, squats, burpees, push-ups, ab work...you name it I had them doing it and you know what? They all did it with a smile!

The boot camps are currently being run every Saturday morning from 7.00 to 8.00am. We are in the process of organising some new mid week sessions, both early morning and early evening and we will post these times on the Vivid Fitness Facebook Page. If you want to get fit, have fun and be one of those smiling 6.00am people then we would love to see you there!

Smile big :)

Saturday, 5 January 2013


Happy New Year!

And with the New Year normally comes New Year's Resolutions.

I have never been one for resolutions.

I can't remember the last time I made one. I used to think that there was something about them, that sticking to something for 12 whole months was impossible and having them there almost made you want to do the complete opposite.

Last year consisted of a lot of goal setting and I know that I started to see a huge benefit in setting myself challenges that when completed successfully made me feel really awesome and empowered.

This has has gotten me thinking that a goal is not really any different than a resolution. So this year I am going to set some. I am going to then be able to, at the end of this year, look back and see how much I achieved over the past 12 months.

** Enrol and complete a course in Nutrition & Wellness Coaching

** Become a Bio-signature Practitioner {the awesome skin-fold/pinch tests I have blogged about}

** Spend more time with my step-daughter Keely

** Give 100% to my new business and earn as much money as possible {yes I am massively motivated by money...who isn't?}

** Inspire and motivate as many people as possible

** To blog more

** {continue? I hope I have been one in 2012} to be an awesome, supportive girlfriend

** Be more accepting and tolerant of the people in my life. I need to appreciate more that everyone is different with differing goals and agendas and not everyone has to live by my rules

** To continue to improve my level of strength and fitness {This may mean competing again. If a competition is not achievable and I need to priortise other areas of my life before getting on stage then I am happy to just be a healthy, fit chick!}

** To run outside more {I ran three times over the Christmas holidays as the gym was closed and I was reminded how hard it is, how good it is for you and how much I like it...running is good for my soul!}

So 2013 is set to be a big year for me. I finish my real estate career in a few weeks and I become an official personal trainer at the end of the month. I am totally pumped and excited to really get started and get my teeth into helping people achieve their health and fitness goals.

Simon and I also become homeowners on February 15th. A huge step and commitment for both of us and one that we are massively excited about. And we are going to America for three weeks in June, one week in New York and two weeks in a camper van exploring some of the West Coast.

Time to rock 2013!