Thursday, 22 November 2012

She is coming....

I have spent a bit of time recently thinking about the last year. 2012 has been a huge year for me and one that I have really enjoyed.

I became a partner {the next step up from being a girlfriend} to an awesome man . I became a step-mother to two amazing children. I became a happier person.

I set myself challenges and kicked massive goals. I worked hard on looking after my body and I competed in my first fitness competition. I committed to training with Chris and I have listened to and followed every piece of advice and guidance he gave me.

Physically, I am stronger than I have ever been. I work hard in the gym and eat well 90% of the time and this has gotten me to a place where I am almost happy with my body. I wanted to share my fitness journey so I started blogging and I have found that I really enjoy it. I will continue to write and share. {It still surprises me that people actually read the blog so thank you!}.

My health and well being is the best it has ever been and mentally I am in a great place. I stopped giving too much and resenting when I did not get it back. I am also learning to manage my anxiety and stress. I will continue to focus on being the best person I can be.

I have been busy. Busy with work, busy prepping for my comp and busy studying by correspondence. I have spent the last 9 months studying for my certificate III and IV in fitness. I have not picked up a text book for 10 years! I left school at 16 so studying no longer comes naturally to me. Parts of the course I loved, parts of it I didn't love. I am super happy to say that I have just submitted my final assessment and I have my practical weekend next week.

And my big news is that I have just resigned from my job. What a way to end the year!

I am turning my passion in to my profession. I am swapping suits for gym pants, swapping my desk for the gym! I have known nothing else but real estate for the last 10 years so I am scared, nervous, excited and pumped all at the same time. From February I will be joining Chris and the Vivid Fitness team as a personal trainer.

So 2013 looks like it will be even bigger than 2012.

The new me is nearly here...

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Lauren's 12WBT

Meet Lauren ::

she's that cute!!

Lauren is one of my sister Amelia's best friends ::

can a group of girls be any more glamorous?

I noticed on facebook a few months ago that Lauren had started Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation also known as the 12WBT. The challenge really caught my interest not only because I have a secret girl crush on Michelle but because Amelia told me she had done one of Michelle's work outs with Lauren and had nearly died! I have been seeing it advertised every where but more importantly I have been seeing some of the incredible results people have been achieving throughout their 12 weeks.

I wanted to find out more about this challenge! It sounds awesome and Lauren was kind enough to answer a few questions about her 12WBT journey ::

1. Describe for us, in your own words, what the 12 week body transformation is

For me the 12wbt is a great way to lose some weight before Summer kicks in and a wake up call that I need to stop making excuses for why I can’t maintain a healthy diet/exercise routine.

2. How many times a week and for how long do you work out at each session?

Work outs are set a 6 times per week (Intermediate Plan). When you sign up you choose which Plan you think you will be, there are a few options:

Advanced Lean & Fit
Advanced Lean & Strong
Pregnancy Program
10k Running
½ Marathon

I choose Intermediate coz when I started I wouldn’t have been either of the Advanced options, however 6 weeks in I think I would be now.

The week is broken into 2 x Cardio sessions 1 hour each, 2 x Weight/Strength sessions 1 hour each, 1 x Core/Flexibility 45 mins & 1 x SUPER SATURDAY SESSION which is usually a combo of resistance/strength/core and cardio and usually goes for about 2 hours ! I have found them really easy to use/fit in around work. Each session gives you the option to choose whether you are:

At Home
At the Gym – Machines
At the Gym – Classes

3. Tell us what your favourite work out is from the 12WBT

The skipping pyramid Super Saturday Session had been my favourite session so far ! The skipping pyramid pushed me to my limits and I was sore for days... I had never skipped before and didn’t realise how hard it is ! It was also great coz I did it outside at a park and the skipping rope cost me $3.00 from Kmart. I brought a friend along with me (Milly) and we did it together !

4. Tell us a bit about the ideal meal on the 12WBT

The ideal meal usually has lots of fresh herbs, protein and complex carbs.

5. Describe what you would eat throughout a whole day on the 12WBT?

My meals for today have been:

Breakfast – Berry Smoothy with Muesli. Low Fat Milk, Frozen Berry’s and Muesli in a food processor. Quick, Easy & YUM ! I also added some protein powder.
Lunch – Roast Capsicum s/w. Wholegrain bread, roast capsicum (jar bought and rinsed to remove oil), olive tapenade, sliced tomato and fresh basil leaves.
Dinner – Thai chicken open burgers. Homemade patties with chicken mince, coriander, chilli, shallot. Tomato and lettuce on half a bread roll

Snacks – 12wbtc allows 300 calories p/day for snacks (& coffee) and the program usually gives you some good ideas on healthy snacks. E.g. ¼ cup of hummus with carrot sticks.

6. How often do you go food shopping and how much roughly do you spend?

We do a weekly shop on a Sunday. The first shop was expensive as we had to buy a lot of condiments that I didn’t have around the house. However since then each week it has reduced.. I would say on average $150-200 p/week. This however is enough food for 7 days worth of meals and snacks for two people (except Saturday cheat meal)... approx $5.00 p/meal p/person !!

7. How long roughly do you think you spend in the kitchen prepping and cooking your meals?

You will need to be organised. The first couple of weeks where hard getting into the routine of preparing meals... however I have pretty much got the process down now. I will spend 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon preparing meals or chopping up ingredients ready to be cooked during the week. Their are usually a few meals during the week which are quite quick and I just do them on the night (or have everything ready to go so all I need to do is cook when I get home).

8. Describe a weekly mindset video lesson

Ok I’ll be honest here...I have only watched a couple ! The ones I have watched I did find to be really good though ! I watched more during the Pre-Season and the one on excuses really motivated me & made me realise that I was holding myself back. More recently I watched one on what to order when eating out. I found this to be really helpful and have used the advice from this video when it comes to cheat meal time !

9. What do you like and what do you dislike about the 12WBT?

I love the food, the exercise programs and the website is user friendly.
The most annoying thing is that their is no App and sometimes accessing the website from my phone means you can’t access everything (Mobile Site Version).

10. Would you recommend the 12WBT to others? If so, why and if not, why not?

I would recommend it to anyone !
However I would give this recommendation with a warning – you have to be able to self-motivate ! The online forums are great, however if your not going to motivate yourself to get out of bed at 5.30 to go to the gym and push yourself then this programme isn’t for you. There is no personal trainer there yelling in your ear, only yourself !

11. How often do you weigh yourself and are there any other tools used for monitoring your progress?

You weigh in every Wednesday morning. At the start you take all your measurements and there are clear instructions online on how to do this. There is also a fitness test which you do at the start, midway through and at the end. You also take a before and after photo.

12. What date did you start and how much weight have you lost to date?

I started on the 28th Aug and I have lost 4.5 kgs on the scales, my fitness has improved dramatically and people have already started to comment on the differences. I am right on track to reach my weight loss goal !

13. Could you see yourself following the 12WBT after the 12 weeks has finished?

I am printing all the recipes & workouts as I will definitely be following them after the 12 weeks is up !

14. What is the biggest thing you have learnt since starting the 12WBT?

Biggest thing I have learnt is that:

Abs are made in the Kitchen NOT the gym !

There is no point slogging it out in the Gym if you eat crap....or if you over-eat ! Portion control is the key & weighing your food on kitchen scales doesn’t mean you are a crazy food Nazi, it means you are ensuring the calories you are eating are consistent and balanced out by the exercise you are doing.

Thank you so much Lauren for sharing your challenge journey with me and for letting me blog about it! You are inspiring and are going to look so beautiful at your wedding next year.

If you are interested in getting involved you can find out more information by visiting the 12WBT website here. 

michelle :: wow