After feeling so bad, I feel good and I am back to feeling positive. For me, being sick not only sucks because I feel sick but it sucks because I become a bit negative and down on myself. That negative person has gone and the positive girl is back and more hungry to achieve than ever.
The last week for me has been awesome. Awesome and busy as you can probably tell by my lack of blog post. Last week started with three amazing days at Perisher. The conditions were perfect and three days of just Simon and me were just what we needed. The last few weeks have been a bit stressful for both of us; Simon with work and me with still trying to find a happy balance with work, life and competition prep.
I am a snowboarding and have been for the last three years. This was my fourth snow trip and I said I was going to give Olympic a try. Olympic is a black run right at the top of the mountain. It is steep and scary and although my runs were not graceful, one was actually on my tummy Bridget Jones style, I can say I rode Olympic!
My other goal was to follow my eating plan while I was down there. I had my last "cheat meal" before my competition while I was at the snow. I actually had two; we ate out both nights at the new Mexican restaurant
Cocina Grill & Cantina in Jindabyne as it was so good! But every other meal was packed and ready for my days on the mountain.
mountain meals :: packed & ready to go |
Yes, it was hard. I wanted a pie. I wanted hot chips. And more than anything I wanted a hot chocolate with marshmallows! I sucked it up and ate clean and it felt good when I was driving home knowing know that I had not taken two steps back from my goal!
pie or salad? |
The Thursday before going to the snow my blood tests came back from my doctor. My zinc levels were low and so were my blood sugar levels. My doctor was concerned that my liver was not looking too good. At his request, I went back to see him with my big bag of supplements. I had been taking zinc but I had been taking it at night with my super green supplements. He said the super greens had probably been stopping the zinc absorbing into my body. My blood sugar levels, he suspects, are being caused by my diet and low body fat. Chris, that same week, had added an extra meal to my diet and an extra cheat meal and I had gained weight since having my blood taken so for the time being I am happy that I am somewhat addressing this issue.
After looking at my supplements, he said that my pre and intra work-out supplements were packed with caffeine and on top of my coffee and green teas it is too much and doing damage. The work-out supplements are gone, apart from 10grams of amino acids pre-work out so we will see how I fight the next lots of germs that Keely and Taj bring home from school!
From getting sick, I have learnt a few things over the last few weeks. I have learnt that you should never just put getting sick down to one of those things, particularly when you keep getting sick. If you keep getting sick, your immune system is probably not in that greater shape and this just doesn't happen for no reason. There is something not right with your body and you should not wait around hoping for it to fix itself! Go to the doctor, that is what they are there for.
Another thing I have learnt is that supplements are great but the only person that is truly qualified to tell you what you should be taking and when is your doctor. Yes, the people working in the supplement shops know their stuff and they know their products and I am no way saying do not take their advice but just be mindful that what works for one person may not work for someone else and if something doesn't feel right or you don't feel right then go to the doctor.
My last two skinfold tests have been good and Chris says I am on track for September 30th. I have put on 1.5kg and lost 1.5% in body fat so the weight I have put on is muscle. I am just under four weeks out from my competition and I feel really good. I am finally feeling excited about the comp but I am expecting the nerves to kick in soon.
A few things have been ticked off my list of things to do; stripper shoes, tanning appointments and organising for my beautiful friend Elise to be my side kick on the day. I am going to look at bikinis on Friday and Chris has told me we are going to practice some walking and posing which I know will really push me out of my comfort zone!
If I can snowboard down Olympic I can pose in heels right?